
Authorised payments and bank reconciliation November 2023

Financial Documents Uploaded on November 21, 2023


Payments Authorisation – Report of Responsible Financial Officer

2023/24 ACCOUNTS



The following payments have been made in September and October 2023:

No                               Item Cheque No £    Gross amount £        VAT
  September Payments      
1 EDF Electricity village hall Direct Debit 34.00
2 SPCA Training courses x 2 300114 72.00 12.00
3 J Forster Village hall external maintenance 300115 30.00
4 L Davies Expenses – incl legionella report 300116 464.84 58.72
5 David Ogilive Engineering Bench – Aston-By-Stone community garden 300117 2,203.20 367.20
6 Unicom Broadband and telephone Direct debit 64.20 10.70
7 L Davies September salary 300118 562.04
8 Unity Trust Bank Bank charges Direct debit 18.00
  October Payments
9 Mrs D Brunt Caretake half year payment 300119 600.00
10 EDF Electricity Direct Debit 34.00
11 Unicom Broadband and telephone Direct debit 63.22 10.54
12 L Davies Expenses – tank inspection 300120 360.00 60.00
13 Mazars External audit 300121 252.00 42.00
14 Mr J Brunt Emptying of septic tank 300122 50
15 L Davies October salary 300123 562.04
16 Shelly Signs Ltd Aston By Stone Information Panel 300124 1,884.00 314.00




Month Income            £
September Village hall hire       480.00
Bank interest       172.43
October Precept, Concurrent and CT Grant        8,503.50
HS2 Groundswork grant        2,450.00

The Instant access account balance is at £25,560.16 and the current account is £13,508.28.

Considering payments that are expected to fall due for payment before the next meeting, no transfer from the IA account is advised.

No payments have been made in November so far, however, it is expected that the costs for the installation of the bench and information panel will be paid in late November/early December– this will be covered by the HS2 grant or earmarked funds.

NALC released the local government pay agreement 2023 on the 6th November 2023. This pay award is effective from April 2023 (i.e. would require backdating) and equates to £1.04 increase an hour (£540.80 annual impact for SRPC). Should the Council agree to implement this pay increase, an additional £405 payment (to be confirmed by Payroll administrator) would be paid in salary/PAYE in December.


Lucy Davies                                                 Authorised by           ……………………..

Parish Clerk                                                                                    Chairman

November 2023