
Agenda for the Parish Council Meeting 11 May 2023

Agendas Uploaded on May 4, 2023



NOTICE OF MEETING                                                                              Thursday 11 MAY 2023

4 May 2023


I hereby give notice that a Meeting of the Stone Rural Parish Council will take place on THURSDAY 11 MAY 2023 at Moddershall Village Hall after the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council which commence at 7pm. Members are asked to inform the Clerk if they are unable to attend.

Lucy Davies

Parish Clerk




  1. Public participation – consider matters raised by members of the public
  2. Apologies received – acceptance and recording of apologies
  3. Record declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed
  4. Approval of the minutes of the meetings held on 9 March 2023
  5. Discuss matters arising from the minutes not on the agenda
  6. Reports from district and county councillors
  7. Review of the planning committee observations
  8. Receive the Chairman’s announcements
  9. Consider the building condition report for Moddershall Village Hall and agree further actions
  10. Consider grant application from Moddershall Cricket Club towards a new defibrillator cabinet
  11. Receive the Clerk’s report – correspondence received and progress report on matters not on the agenda
  12. Receive and approve payments authorisations report
  13. Receive and approve financial statement and bank reconciliation for the last period
  14. Agree the date and time of next meeting:


The next Parish Council Meeting, will take place on

Thursday 6th July 2023 at 7.30pm at Moddershall Village Hall.