
Authorised Payments and Bank Reconciliation May 2024

Payments Uploaded on May 20, 2024

Please contact the Parish Clerk should you require the bank reconciliation in a format other than pdf



Payments Authorisation – Report of Responsible Financial Officer

2023/24 and 2024/25 ACCOUNTS


The following payments have been made in March and April 2024:

No                               Item Cheque No £    Gross amount £        VAT
  March Payments      
1 HMRC PAYE February 300155 8.60
2 L Davies Expenses – Boiler 300156 90.00
3 Stone Lions Club S137 – PSA Screening Event 300157 200.00
4 HMRC PAYE March 300158 8.60
5 L Davies March Salary 300159 596.77
  April Payments      
1 Mrs D Brunt Half yearly caretaker payments 300160 600.00
2 Eddy’s building services Village hall repairs – threshold 300161 395.00
3 D Brunt Expenses – village hall supplies 300162 43.49
4 Stafford Borough Council Civic Amenity Visit 300163 236.00 39.33
5 Mr J Forster Village hall outside maintenance 300164 25.00
6 D M Payroll Services Annual payroll services 300165 120.00
11 L Davies Salary 300166 605.37


The following payments to be authorised:


  May Payments      
1 SPCA Annual subscription 300167 376.00
2 L Davies Expenses – 3 x grit bins, stamps 300168 743.35 122.89
3 Mrs K Squires Internal audit 300169 185.30
4 LegionellSafe Services (UK) Ltd Legionella compliance visit 300170 220.80 36.80
5 Mr A McCulloch Expenses – stand and holder for memorial plaque 300171 100.00
6 Oulton Community Group S137 grant 300172 250.00
7 Stone Community First Responders S137 grant 300173 250.00
8 Age Concern Stone & District S137 grant 300174 250.00
9 Aston and Little Stoke Rainbows S137 grant 300175 100.00
10 Aston and Little Stoke Guides S137 grant 300176 100.00
11 Aston and Little Stoke Scout Group S137 grant 300177 100.00
12 1st Oulton Scout Group S137 grant 300178 100.00
13 1st Oulton Guides S137 grant 300179 100.00
14 1st Oulton Brownies S137 grant 300180 100.00
15 1st Oulton Rainbows S137 grant 300182 100.00
16 Aston & Little Stoke Brownies S137 grant 300183 100.00
17 L Davies May Salary 300184 605.37
18 HMRC PAYE 300185 8.60




Month Income            £
March Village hall hire       300.00
  Bank interest       176.46
April Village hall hire       315.00
  Precept, Concurrent & CT Grant       9,253.50
  Refund from PPL PRS Ltd       378.79

The Instant Access account balance as at 14 May was £10,370.93 and the current account was £25,913.79. Considering the May payments and the payments to be paid in June, it is recommended that no funds be transferred at present. To be reviewed at the July meeting.

It is also noted that the Village Hall Insurance is due on 27 June. 2024. Allied Westminster are the current insurers; they are aware of the building maintenance report and have been updated as to progress. Delegates authority is requested to pay premium if £1,000.00 or under (prior year £858.98). If premium is significantly higher than prior year, Clerk will inform Parish Council.


Lucy Davies                                                  

Parish Clerk                                                   Authorised by ……………………..                 Chairman

May 2024