
Authorised Payments and Bank Reconciliation 20 May 2021

Payments Uploaded on May 21, 2021


Payments Authorisation – Report of Responsible Financial Officer

2020/21 and 2021/22 ACCOUNTS



The following payments have been made in March and April 2021:


No                                Item Cheque No        £
  2020/21 ACCOUNTS   (March Payments)    
1 SPCA Annual subscription 200490 357.00
2 SPCA Clerk training 200491 250.00
3 SCC Licence to plant – admin fee 200492 130.80
4 Unicom Electricity, broadband and telephone Direct Debit 62.36
5 J Forster Village hall maintenance 200493 60.00
6 L Davies Expenses: Norton computer security renewal and stationary 200494 101.97
7 Avanti Gas Ltd Village hall gas 200495 502.30
8 L Davies March salary 200496 489.67
  2021/22 ACCOUNTS   (April Payments)
9 Mrs D Brunt Village Hall Caretaker 200497 65.73
10 DM Payroll Services Ltd Annual payroll services 200498 120.00
11 Unicom Electricity, broadband and telephone Direct Debit 62.26
12 L Davies April salary 200499 499.64





Month Income         £
March No income          0.00
April Precept, concurrent and CT grant      8,504.50
Bank interest          1.00


Money market account


The £35,000 3-month money market accounts (0.01% gross interest) mature on 19 July 2021. Rates remain low and there is currently no difference in rate for 3 month and 6 month.



Lucy Davies Authorised by ……………………..

Parish Clerk Chairman

May 2021

If you require a copy of the bank reconciliation for the period in an alternative format to pdf, then please contact the clerk.