
Authorised Payments and Bank reconciliation September 2024

Financial DocumentsPayments Uploaded on September 11, 2024


Payments Authorisation – Report of Responsible Financial Officer

2024/25 ACCOUNTS



The following payments have been made in July and August and the start of September 2024

(A = authorised at prior meeting):

No                               Item Cheque No £    Gross amount £        VAT
  July Payments      
A EDF Village Hall electricity Direct debit 49.00
A L Davies Expenses – VH fire extinguishers, stamps and Oulton village hall hire 300191 101.55
A Eddy’s building services Village hall external cladding and internal repairs 300192 520.00
1 J Forster Bench maintenance 300193 25.00
2 HMRC PAYE 300194 10.00
2 L Davies July Salary 300195 637.84
  August Payments      
1 EDF Village Hall electricity Direct debit 49.00
2 HMRC PAYE 300196 10.00
3 L Davies August Salary 300197 637.84
  Start of September Payments      
1 EDF Village Hall electricity Direct debit 49.00
2 Eddy’s building services Village hall repairs 300198 49.00
3 L Davies Expenses –Aston By Stone village hall hire 300199 50.00





Month Income            £
July Village hall hire          375.00
August Village hall hire          150.00

The balance of the current account was £7,058.20 at 31 August 2024. Considering the amounts that are to be paid in September and the receipt of the precept at the start of October, no transfer from the instant access account is recommended.


Lucy Davies                                                 Authorised by           ……………………..

Parish Clerk                                                                                    Chairman

September 2024      


Stone Rural Parish Council
Receipts and Payments 2024/25 ( 1 April – 31 August)
Yr to date Actual
Full Yr Actual    2023/24                          £ Budget
Bank Reconciliation at 31.08.2024
Precept £8,368.10 £14,820.24 £16,736.20 Current Account Balance @ 31.08.2024 £7,058.20
CT Grant £159.40 £734.76 £318.80 Instant Access Account Balance @ 31.08.2024 £26,091.46
Concurrent £726.00 £1,452.00 £1,452.00 Plus
Village Hall Hirings £1,490.00 £3,365.75 £2,720.00 Cash in hand £0.00
Bank Interest £177.67 £668.23 £430.00 Cheques not cashed £0.00
VAT Refund £2,948.68 £1,017.01 £2,500.00 Minus
Grants £0.00 £2,450.00 £0.00 Cheques not yet presented: £(647.84)
Other Receipts £378.79 £71.44 £0.00 BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD @ 31.08.2024 £32,501.82
TOTAL INCOME £14,248.64 £24,579.43 £24,157.00
Salaries £(3,762.86) £(8,482.61) £(8,528.36) Cheques not yet presented
Establishment Charges £(1,567.43) £(2,967.41) £(1,940.00)
Printing & Stationary £(20.95) £(165.71) £(120.00) £(10.00)
Donations £(1,550.00) £(3,200.01) £(3,050.00) £(637.84)
Projects £(179.52) £(11,522.10) £(5,000.00)
Village Hall £(2,661.33) £(4,841.60) £(4,600.00)
Insurances £0.00 £(413.62) £(430.00)
Training £0.00 £(60.00) £(90.00)
Bus Shelters £0.00 £(950.00) £(2,500.00)
Notice Boards £0.00 £(193.00) £(200.00)
VAT Payments £(240.02) £(2,948.68) £0.00
TOTAL EXPENSES £(9,982.11) £(35,744.74) £(26,458.36)
Excess Receipts over payments £4,266.53 £(11,165.31) £(2,301.36)
Balance bought forward £28,235.29 £39,400.60 £28,235.29
Add Receipts   £14,248.64 £24,579.43 £24,157.00 signed_________________________________
Less Payments  £(9,982.11) £(35,744.74) £(26,458.36)
BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD £32,501.82 £28,235.29 £25,933.93 date___________________________________